about PETE

Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Pete Candler is a writer and photographer whose work has appeared in Los Angeles Review of BooksCommonwealThe Bitter Southerner, The Christian Century, The Chicago Tribune, Southern Cultures, The Washington Post, and others. A graduate of Wake Forest University (B.A.) and The University of Cambridge (M.Phil., Ph.D.), a student and former professor of theology, Pete writes about memory, forgetfulness, and the legacy of white supremacy in the American South. He is the author of a photography collection, The Road to Unforgetting: Detours in the American South 1997 - 2022 (Horse & Buggy Press, 2022), and A Deeper South: The Beauty, Mystery, and Sorrow of the Southern Road (University of South Carolina Press, 2024). Pete lives in Asheville with his wife, Meredith, and their four boys.